As I got some requests to translate the pattern for my mother's "Lövspetsväska" into English, I thought I'd give it a go. It is a fairly easy pattern - both to translate and to knit, so it is a good place to start. Perhaps it's about time, after all I am an English teacher (could I count this as work?). ;)
What's left now is only to wish you all good luck with the pattern, and hopefully we'll see a lot of 'Leafy Lace Purses' all over the world!
Any comments about the pattern or more requests are always welcome.
Katsaus neulevuoteen 2024
Vuoden 2024 suurin tavoite oli saada lankavarastoa pienemmäksi. Tarkoitus
oli olla koko vuosi ostamatta lankaa muutamaa poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta.
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